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Showing posts from January, 2023


I think the poem Que Sera, Sera needs to be rewritten. Why? I have come to a realization that what will be will be if and only if you put in the necessary 1% that is expected of you. You want to pass an exam. You skim through the surface of what you are to cover and conclude luckily, it's something you can achieve. Your thoughts have already drawn a simple step-by-step board on how you can achieve easy success.  All you need to do is put in the required effort and voila! You have good grades flowing through all your scripts. However, as humans, certain things limit us. The mind is the greatest. Sometime last year, I joined a 30 day writing challenge. I wanted to improve my skill. Not because I felt like it. I realized that even if writing came easy to me, I was still lacking in some areas. Prior to when I first saw the requirements of the challenge, I got cold feet. My first thought was how can this be? Writing for 30 days straight? Not possible! My thought process was already dera...