My decisions are mine and mine alone, even when influenced by others, I'm still the one with the final say. I'm still the one who decides if I want to go or if I want to stay. And so it kills me when such decisions bring about an emotion that won't give me a chance to breathe. That won't give me a chance to move. That won't give me a chance at life. Regret. Basically, we're looking at regret in context of the past i.e in things we wish we had done. Subtly put, Wishful Thinking. To regret means to feel sorry about something, to be remorseful. It means that regret comes with a deep kind of sorrow. When we feel sorry, it means something went wrong or haywire. It means there's a pain deep in your hearts knowing that if you went back in time, you would definitely change the turnout of things. "Assuming I just listened, I wouldn't be in this state". This is the sound of someone who feels sorry for themselves for not doing something or taking acti...
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