Happy New Year So the year's new and I'm guessing most of you have already made new year resolutions which is not a bad thing. It actually shows you know what you want. But I want you to look at it differently. Every year you make a resolution. Every year you decide to change your personality. Every year you waver. You decide to change this year then before February, you've already derailed from your 'resolution'. And if you manage to pull it through to let's say April, by December you'll just check and see that you didn't cover all that you planned to do and before you know it January comes again and you draft out new resolutions. Haba!!! That's sad. Well it shouldn't be that way. Mind you it's only the calendar that differentiates the year so all the days are practically the same. So instead of resolutions why don't you make GOALS. Resolutions should be on a long term basis and then goals should be put in place to achieve those reso...
paciencia y fe