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 Happy New Year

So the year's new and I'm guessing most of you have already made new year resolutions which is not a bad thing. It actually shows you know what you want.

But I want you to look at it differently. Every year you make a resolution. Every year you decide to change your personality. Every year you waver. 

You decide to change this year then before February, you've already derailed from your 'resolution'. And if you manage to pull it through to let's say April, by December you'll just check and see that you didn't cover all that you planned to do and before you know it January comes again and you draft out new resolutions. 


That's sad.

Well it shouldn't be that way. Mind you it's only the calendar that differentiates the year so all the days are practically the same. So instead of resolutions why don't you make GOALS. 

Resolutions should be on a long term basis and then goals should be put in place to achieve those resolutions. The goals can be made monthly, bimonthly, quarterly and yearly. Now in order for those goals ,which will turn out to be resolutions in the end, to be achieved, one has to be disciplined.

Many people suffer from indiscipline. I'm also a victim. The nature of the human mind is to wander and also be curious. So don't beat yourself up if you find yourself going down a different lane from the one you've decided to ply. It's a normal thing but then you have to be able to call your mind back when it wanders off.

I won't mince words. 

I won't lie to you.

You will struggle because it's not easy.

Even the Bible says it in Hebrews 12:11:

" No discipline is ENJOYABLE while it's happening. It is painful but AFTERWARDS there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained this way."

It's not something you're used to so you would have to take it step by step and be intentional about it. Don't just rush into it because you'll easily get tired. 

 Try to alarm your senses daily about your discipline and it will eventually sink into your subconscious mind.

For instance when I decided to start writing, I told myself I'll update every three days. See me now😂.

I tried it for the first three times and before you know it I ran out of ideas and lost the will power to continue. I ended up frustrating myself. Yes I was trying to pursue discipline but I realized that it doesn't work that way for me so I've decided to give myself time and work on it. Hopefully, I'll bounce back.

Know what motivates you to pursue your goals and try to do it. If it's a particular person, try to always keep in touch. If it's a place, visit it regularly. If it's an activity, perform it.

Avoid procrastination and desist from the "I don't feel like it" voice.

Stop being a "people pleaser". It'll mess you up. 

Social Media will always be there so try your best to allocate the time for it. I'm also a victim of this so don't think it's only you. We all have to try. There are other things that will distract you but distractions differ from one person to another so know your distractions and your weaknesses.

Try to be consistent. I won't go into this because consistency is another broad stuff on it's own. 

Someone said :

View your endeavors as quests for knowledge.

Intriguing right?

Yes yes I know 😂

Anyways take a stand today. 

No one will monitor you oh so it's up to you.

I'll be stopping here so do the needful for yourself.

You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @__adese and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to get more.

Till next time,



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