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Hi guys๐Ÿ˜Š,

I'm back from the very long break and I guess I was greatly missed ๐Ÿคญ.

So our topic of discussion today is Believe. 

It is a cure to fear. For those of you who remember, in our last session,  I said we are going to deal with how to overcome fear and voila, here we are. 

Believe simply put means having faith in something or someone. Our focus is on believing in yourself and I mean you.

Like I said before, Fear is a negative vibe that distabilises humans. So we can see Believe as a Positive vibe.

Most times the human mind is weakened by what it sees, hears or feels and so it needs to be tricked into believing it can overcome.

There was a particular time in my life when I just felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I just couldn't control what was happening in my life. To be sincere, I was scared of living. I came in contact with a friend who was living life like it will end the next day. She made me realize that there's nothing to be scared of especially since I have a loving father (God) who was there for me. To cut the long story short, I started believing in myself and my God given abilities though it took some time but what the heck, Rome wasn't built in a day.

So my point here is when you believe, the space for fear in your mind becomes occupied. You become Alive. In other words you feel like a free bird. Believing in yourself doesn't take anything from you rather it adds to your life.

Fear will always come but it takes a determined mind to say " There is no room for you here". It's that simple guys๐Ÿ˜Š. It might take a lot of time but then wouldn't you rather be at home with your family than being in an assylum all because of something that can be managed.

You should also find out the activities you like and put in your time and energy or you can engage in yoga classes. It sure gives one a peace of mind. Mind you doing something good makes you feel better about yourself.

If you think you can't do it on your own, then speaking to someone might just be what you need. 

Also ensure you surround yourself with friends who live life. Trust me, you'll enjoy every moment spent with such people.

I'm going to drop my pen here so if you have any question, drop it at the comment section. I just figured that writing an email will take a lot of time and who knows, you might even forget your question ๐Ÿ˜‚.

Once again thank you for reading a d don't forget to hit the SUSCRIBE button to get updates from this blog.

Much love,



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