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Reality Sucks

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It sucks and I mean it. 

Most times, we can't come to terms with happenings around us. We tend to dwell more in our minds and heads, not really caring if we are doing it right or not.

I for one know what it's like prolly because I wallow in fantasies a lot but then if you keep on drowning yourself in your thoughts, you're paving ways for depression.

Let's all come to terms with the saying that nothing lasts forever. Reality brings you out from the fantasy wall you've built into a world that's uncomprehending.

This topic came from a thought in my head and boy did it take me a while to find words to give birth to this piece. For the first time since I started this blog, I had a writer's block and that's when it dawned on me that nothing is actually perfect. Things don't go smoothly all the time.

Your reality might be scary, weird, blurry, confusing but that's what makes it reality.

It's not a bed of Roses.

In reality, shit happens.

In reality, people die.

In reality, you don't always get what you want.

In reality, life's not fair.

In reality, life's a damn rollercoaster.

You have to accept the truth that nothing stays the same forever and with that brace yourself for what's coming. 

Indulge in things that makes you happy. Explore your talents. Give life a go because it doesn't have a spare except God decides to give you a spare which doesn't happen often.

Recently I watched this movie named 'CLOUDS' and It got to my skin. This guy had osteosarcoma (cancer of the bones) and still made it. I don't want to go into details so I won't a spoiler alert to people who want to watch itπŸ˜‚. He said and I quote:

"You don't have to find out you're dying to start living".

Deep right? I know but come to think of it, it's the truth. No matter what happens bad things will always occur. I'll like to say that they are inevitable but that's what makes up life. So why don't you stop sulking on REALITY SUCKS and pave waves for yourself. It'll be worth it. I assure you.

For those of you who will be watching the movie, it's based on a true story so get your tissues ready because my house was literally flooded when I finished watching itπŸ˜‚.

Till next time my babies🌹



  1. We all should learn to accept the bad and good aspect of reality but to be honest, no one likes it whenever shit happens..

    1. Exactly
      We have to try to compose ourselves when it does

  2. Nice write up, thanks for not giving me spoilers on that movie πŸ˜…

  3. Wow πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί I'm so amazed at this write up Dese....... it's litterally lightπŸ’‘....... thanks!

  4. 😩😩I cried in that film I will not lie, they made a whole commander like me cry. Creative dear, awesome!

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Any body that doesn't feel remorse after watching that movie is literally a zombie πŸ˜‚

  5. This is niceπŸ‘πŸ˜Š. Keep it up⚡

  6. Nice Writeup πŸ‘. Keep Pushing 😊⚡


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