September has taught us a lot. October will teach us more. I'm sure some things have happened this month that have left you in awe. It may have been good or bad. What's important is, did you learn from it? Did it make you think otherwise? The most important question: Did you plan it? I followed the burial of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, very closely for two reasons. One, because I'm a lover of history. I get a sense of satisfaction when history is made, and her death is definitely history. The second reason is that I saw a video on how the Queen's burial had been planned even before her death. I wanted to see if they'll fall through with it, and to my utmost surprise, it went accordingly, with more things to fall into play now that King Charles III is on the throne. If you watched it, you had seen how organized they were. From the Royal family down to the people who came to pay their last respects. This burial was planned even before the Queen died,...
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