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September has taught us a lot. October will teach us more.

I'm sure some things have happened this month that have left you in awe. It may have been good or bad.

What's important is, did you learn from it? 

Did it make you think otherwise?

The most important question: Did you plan it?

I followed the burial of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, very closely for two reasons. One, because I'm a lover of history. I get a sense of satisfaction when history is made, and her death is definitely history.

The second reason is that I saw a video on how the Queen's burial had been planned even before her death.

I wanted to see if they'll fall through with it, and to my utmost surprise, it went accordingly, with more things to fall into play now that King Charles III is on the throne.

If you watched it, you had seen how organized they were. From the Royal family down to the people who came to pay their last respects.

This burial was planned even before the Queen died, and the evidence of their hard work paid off.

Thousands were waiting in line, and the security agencies handled and coordinated efficiently.

All I saw was a well-thought-out plan that came to life.

It is easy to just wing it, to go with the flow. After all, you didn't plan your birth๐Ÿ˜‚ but it doesn't suffice.

      Planning aids Precision.
You can't go to the market or grocery store without a shopping list! Do you plan to spend all you have on just food items?

Aren't there other things you have to acquire?

Back then, in Secondary School, we were asked before a new term began to make a reading timetable.

I didn't like it. It always made me feel like I was being forced. I prefer to do things in the spur of the moment. Well, It changed. Meeting people changed my perspective.

You don't need to go through something sad to get a realization. You're taking away the purpose of the Brain. 

So plan. 


It gives a sense of confidence. 

It gives a sense of control. Don't you like the sound of that?!

It becomes easier to say "no" to things that are not important.

It keeps distractions at bay.

It extends a helping hand when you don't know where to go.

There are so many good things attached to planning, and you know what they say, Nothing good comes easy.

Planning is hard. 

It doesn't always go the way we want it. 

It even gets boring because it seems like you keep going in circles.

So what do you do?

Well, this is where I come in. Be grateful you have me. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Define your plans. Just don't do it because you feel like it. Plan because it's a necessity for your growth. You can't remain in a place forever. Be precise, concise, and productive. 

Trying to do so much can end up making you exhausted. Go easy.

Accountability Partner/Group. Yes, your plans are for you, but it gets to the point where you no longer see what's ahead. You no longer have the fuel to run, and that's when you need accountability.

You can get an accountability partner–a person who looks out for you or a group. An accountability group.

Flex Plans. Man must not live by bread alone. There is Bean and other varieties of food. You should plan to enjoy yourself too. Take time out to go out. 

It doesn't kill. 

Include your hobby(ies) in your plan. Over seriousness won't take you anywhere. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฒ
Please, your hobby can also be part of your plan. You can plan to read a book, play a game or do something you like.

Your hobbies are like boosters in a game. You can get by without them, yet we both know that when they are used, you get farther. 

A big win!

Plans fail, so move on. It's inevitable. Unfavorable circumstances will surely arise circumstances you don't have control over. So don't beat yourself up about it. Just acknowledge that it happened and move on.

Sometimes it could be your fault still, don't dwell too much on it. According to Black Sheriff:


So yes, this is it. You could also find a way to inculcate other things. There's no harm in trying.

And if you are yet to get a design for your life, for October, you need to do that ASAP.

Start with the little things and with time, you'll get there.

Till next time,



  1. Well said, Ada!
    As the popular saying goes, ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail’

  2. I love this! Beautiful write up and a timely advice indeed

    1. Thank you!

      Glad and happy that you found it helpful.


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