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Have you ever gone on Social media, particularly WhatsApp and decide that you'll use a few moments to just go through statuses. You come across things that make you cringe, some make you happy, some make you sad and some brings out an ugly head that will just weaken your mind and break your self esteem. Very crazy indeed. From there you start asking yourself questions that can either build you up or bring you down. Everytime I create a new post on my blog, I go through a lot of doubts asking myself if it's good enough or if people actually read what I post or if it even creates a spark in someone's mind to keep pushing (Pushing PπŸ˜‚) and guess what, if the negative thought supercedes the positive, I'll just tell myself, "Wo, just give up abegggi" and to think I actually do itπŸ™‚. There's this song that lives rent-free in my head. I heard it from a Disney cartoon I watched years ago. "Look at me,  I would never pass for a perfect bride Or a perfect d...
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Chances are you and I both went through a series of constant changes this year.  Some shocked us right through our core and others, we expected with our full chest. Even those we expected, hit us so bad that till now, it's hard to phantom. One year dies and yet, another blossoms. Another great opportunity to be thankful and to reflect on the happenings this year. Bring together the good, the bad and the ugly.  The effect of remembrance will definitely fuel the flow of emotions but then, open your eyes to see things so that they work for you. Take a stance and make a change. THE GOOD I experienced happiness this year. In the form of comradeship most especially.  I got to meet individuals who are tirelessly rooting for me. Bliss I tell you! We encountered people who deposited so much value in us this year, pushed us to be better even when we proved difficult ( I'm calling myself out πŸ˜‚). Some even went out of their comfort zones to be there. Imagine going through so much an...


  My decisions are mine and mine alone, even when influenced by others, I'm still the one with the final say. I'm still the one who decides if I want to go or if I want to stay. And so it kills me when such decisions bring about an emotion that won't give me a chance to breathe. That won't give me a chance to move. That won't give me a chance at life. Regret. Basically, we're looking at regret in context of the past i.e in things we wish we had done. Subtly put, Wishful Thinking. To regret means to feel sorry about something, to be remorseful.  It means that regret comes with a deep kind of sorrow. When we feel sorry, it means something went wrong or haywire.  It means there's a pain deep in your hearts knowing that if you went back in time, you would definitely change the turnout of things. "Assuming I just listened, I wouldn't be in this state". This is the sound of someone who feels sorry for themselves for not doing something or taking acti...


πŸ˜‚ This October, funny and baffling things happened. I’ll start with the funny, because who doesn’t like a good laugh? I was at my lowest this month, money-wise. It was so bad that even my savings could not save me, and let's not talk about my source of income. I asked myself, “And it’s not like you eat a lot, so what is the problem?” Guess what? The trendy song, Temporary Solutions , began playing in my head. You could imagine that! The lyrics hit me like epiphanies, and nothing made more sense to me than that song, Temporal Solution by Pastor Solomon. Now, there are two problems I identified in that song, and I’ll talk about the very obvious one. The Temporary Solutions. A good example should be Get Rich Quick Schemes. Life gets harder by the day, and it breaks the resolve of so many, you and I included. Getting access to food now has become a strenuous task. Eating three square meals a day takes the grace of God for a lot of us, and if you can afford it, you're as privileged...


I give up on writing.  Really.  It's not what it used to be.  It no longer feels warm.  I remember my first time on Wattpad and how butterflies formed in my belly when I read different stories, and I thought  "Ah, wouldn't it be nice if someone else could have a taste of this feeling of bliss"?  This was how my love story began until I was swayed into the arms of another in search of a solution to my many problems.  A journey of hatred and suffocation started.  Why, you may ask?  Well, I won't mince words when giving my answer. It's too accurate to missπŸ˜‚ That which I once held dear became a bitter experience.  It tore the garment of my soul!  It gave me the feeling of an American male teenager who has parents who are always at loggerheads.  No comfort.  No solace.  No calm .  Just a space filled with darkness as thick as a forest.  I used to live for writing.  It was the bane of my existence.  It ...