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Chances are you and I both went through a series of constant changes this year. 

Some shocked us right through our core and others, we expected with our full chest.

Even those we expected, hit us so bad that till now, it's hard to phantom.

One year dies and yet, another blossoms.

Another great opportunity to be thankful and to reflect on the happenings this year.

Bring together the good, the bad and the ugly. 

The effect of remembrance will definitely fuel the flow of emotions but then, open your eyes to see things so that they work for you.

Take a stance and make a change.


I experienced happiness this year. In the form of comradeship most especially. 

I got to meet individuals who are tirelessly rooting for me.

Bliss I tell you!

We encountered people who deposited so much value in us this year, pushed us to be better even when we proved difficult (I'm calling myself out๐Ÿ˜‚).

Some even went out of their comfort zones to be there. Imagine going through so much and still showing up, these are the MVPs.

In one way or the other, we have all posed as such and if you haven't, you should change or else…!

Don't relent in being good!

It pays๐Ÿ˜Š


The thing is, all human beings are capable of being extreme; some just have a better way of hiding it. 

We could say that you and I both fall under this category in the lives of some people.

Talk about supporting characters.

I know it could be hard trying to keep up with everyone who has supposedly been of help to you but please, let's do better. 

My mum would say "It doesn't have to be an elaborate something". 

Reciprocate love in the smallest of ways.

For instance, Buy me Beans!



These guyssssss!

My God!

I'm shouting because they hurt with intention.

Please if you won't be intentional about being in a relationship with people, don't go into one.


It's hard enough in the economy we've found ourselves in. Adding to the pain by being a pain would just be evil.

It's best if you're known as an acquaintance rather than a friend turned foe.

That will leave scars.

Happy Year End!

See you in 2024



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