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Imagine a person you got to know recently;(there's already a positive bond forming) comes at you and accuses you of something that naturally you wouldn't do but in fact did out of compulsion or hopelessness. 

What would be your reaction? If defense, embarrassment, anger, sadness, or even shock doesn't pop up in your mind then I guess you're just a robot, and no I'm not referring to the Kdrama robot but one without feelings or appropriately put, a conscience. For those with feelings, you might say things like: "You don't understand", "That's not how it is", "You don't know me", "Don't judge me" and all that. Alright so focus on the last two statements. 
Of course, he or she doesn't know you! It's a new relationship; one in its early stages. It means they're not wrong but then 'They don't know you so they have no right to judge you or your intentions'.

Now think about a situation where you did something similar to someone. You get the picture now don't you? There's the tendency of always jumping to a conclusion just because, and without even knowing "why". You end up destroying something good, something beautiful, something that would have grown into an adventure all because of insecurities, trust issues, self-doubt, anger and even assumptions.

The world is ever-changing and that's not going to change because I don't know. No stress meπŸ˜‚ People are being forced into hiding their reality, into doing things that they wouldn't do on a normal basis due to situations and circumstances.

Let's learn to stop seeing the worst in people. I know it's hard and the shoes might not fit but try to put yourself in their shoes. Don't judge them because of what they do or did or by the actions they take. Be empathic. Get to know 'why' first.

An instance. You have a friend, a very good one. You've gone through so much together. Your friend takes sweet things a lot and it's starting to bother you and you decide to confront your friend and warn him of the dangers of sweet things.

" You take a lot of sweet things. Don't you know it's not good for your health?"

You wait for an answer and at that moment look into their eyes and all you can see is shock and unbelief. You're wondering now what's all this emotions for. You're right after all. 

"I have Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and it's in its second stage." he says.

All of a sudden, you feel guilty, pricked by conscience. Your palms cover your face in shame. You begin to ask yourself how you could you be so insensitive. You've known this person and yet you didn't notice or care to ask. All this could have been avoided if you had asked why but no, you just jumped and now there's a strain on your relationship. According to the lyrics of Lewis Capaldi's Someone You Loved, you just pulled the rug from under his feet.

Nothing is as they seem and surely there are people out there with negative motives but what if they are the way they are because of simple issues that can be resolved.

You should also boost yourself up. Are you the type of person who cares about what people think and so in a bid to fit in and be recognized, you treat people harshly? Come off it! Life is more than that please.

If this was your thought when you saw the poster then congratulations, you're as smart as I am.

I just hope that in a bid to keep ourselves safe and sane, we don't do things that'll put people in the same dilemma we're avoiding cause that would just be pathetic.

"Oh send them your hearts
So they know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
So we must all lend a helping hand"
                                          Michael Jackson.

I would love to hear your opinion and if possible, your story.

Till next time,


  1. Well Jumping wasn't an option πŸ˜‚, but a really insightful and educating write up.

  2. This is very nice

  3. The blocks of words before the picture of the cat were really intriguing ...
    I really do admire the humour feature here πŸ˜‚ aah what a life πŸ˜…πŸ€ŒπŸΎ...


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