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I started writing at an early stage. 

It was mainly for pleasure at the time. 

It helped me gain a hold on a subject I wanted to master.

So when I experienced writer's block, I didn't take it seriously because I didn't see writing as a principle back then.

With time, I saw myself getting more engrossed in writing.

It came easy to me.

It became a medium of expression.

I'm angry, I write.

I'm happy, I write.

I'm sad, I write.

Whatever emotion, I pen it down.

It became my solace.

The need for people to hear me came, and that's when my blog was birthed. 

I didn't even know about niches. All I wanted to do was write.

So I started TIMEOUTWITHDESE. Published my first article.

I was nervous at first. It was the first time people were going to see my work.

I felt like a mother; who was sending her child outside for the first time. So many funny thoughts ran through my mind, but I did it.

Then came the responses from people. 

My heart melted.

Little me was happy.

That was like a breakthrough for me.

I made a promise to keep it up.

As a beginner in the creative space, I didn't see the need to speak up.

I always felt I could do it on my own.

A woman of independence.

I didn't see anything wrong in my articles. 

As far as people were dishing out the comments I wanted to hear, I was satisfied. 

I began to notice a few things.

I was losing touch. Consistency and Inspiration became strangers.

I had friends I ran to when it was overwhelming; whatever I pen down, I relay it to them for their views and approval. Their words were full of encouragement, support, and corrections, but it wasn't enough for me.

It was depressing.

Then came TripleC.

TripleC stands for Content Creation Challenge.


I told myself that I needed to be revamped.

I joined the challenge.

After the first day, I knew there was so much more I had to learn.

There were so many things I didn't know, like the writing style, niche, white spacing, and much more.

The more I wrote, the angrier I got because I lacked a creative mind.

I had been wallowing in ignorance all this while.

If only I had spoken up or sought help, maybe I would have been in a better position; but as they say, Better late than never.

I got to meet new people also and connect with like-minded fellows.

I wrote over 300 words every day for 30 DAYS!

It was a massive feat for me.

The truth is, you'll never know something until you're informed.

It's like a person that barfs in public spaces without apologizing or using magic words. 
The person might see it as the norm because he hasn't been told or cautioned.

We all know that till the individual is enlightened, good manners are far from him.

See the light today.

Creativity isn't far-fetched.

Ask for help. You're not an island.

It has been a wonderful experience. I've gained so much, and I want you to gain too.

What are friends for?

You could also be part of the next challenge.

Prepare your mind.

It's going to be a creative battle but a well-deserved one.

This is the link to the waiting list. Do click it.
Trust me, you won't regret it.

I'm rooting for you, Superstar!



  1. Beautiful work of art ✍🏽

  2. Beautiful work! I'm already tempted to join Triple C!

    1. Ouuu🥳

      Please do!
      You'll definitely enjoy it.


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