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I think y'all have to wire my aza because my soothsaying skills have become top-notch.

I gave you a heads-up about October.

I hope you had a plan.

I would describe mine as bittersweet.

A beautiful beginning with a rollercoaster ending.

I'm pretty sure everybody had their share. 

Some got crumbs, and others, Lion's Share. I think I fall in the category of others.

What about you?

Regardless of the category, I hope you didn't fall off the radar.

Cause I did, and I fell hard. 

October was razz for me. At first, I was dividing myself into two, which is a lot, and by the middle of October, I was into three. 

Let me not even get started about the end part because it was not funny. πŸ˜ͺ

So yes, I did fall, and the crazy thing is, I didn't want to get back up.

The stress was three much.

In my mind, I thought if I put myself back up, I won't be able to hold fast. I just wanted it all to end. 

Then I came to a realization.

It never ends. 

Funny enough, that's what life is all about. 

Running around, 

Pursuing one thing or the other, 

Trying to make the most out of nothing or little, 

Trying to be the difference out of over 7 billion people.

Trying to make an impact,

Falling and rising up again.

And it finally came to me. The only time it ends is when we finally get that endless sleep. I got cold the instant the thought came to mind.

I no wan die, is the first thing I uttered.

So I picked myself back up with little assurance that no matter what, I'll have to sail through the storms and obstacles.

Without all these obstacles, nobody would want to push to be better. We'll all lie down and watch as time passes.

What a bore life would have been!

So cheer up and keep your chin high.

Stay strong.

If you fall, it's okay. 

It doesn't matter how hard you fall. What matters is that you rise up again.

Although, I advise that you don't stay on the ground for too long. You might get too comfortable or get a mad backache because the floor is too hard. πŸ˜©πŸ˜…

Life can be that harsh.

Till next time,



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