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A Tired body.

Drowsy eyes.

Weak legs.

As I pen down my thoughts for you, these are the expressions of the state I've found myself in.

I wonder what will happen if I don't show up when my heart already knows the answer, and so I keep going because the feeling of regret and distrust in oneself is too much of a burden to bear.

Speaking of distrust, something crazy happened to me.

"What was I thinking?" I have been asking myself what went wrong. I was fully aware of my words and environment, but somehow I got lost in my head.

Lost in my abilities.

As much as it seemed funny, it caused me a lot of concern. I've always been an avid Word Lover.

Words make me happy.

New words give me ecstasy.

Once I come across a word I'm unfamiliar with, I tend to leave every engagement just to get the information surrounding that word.

So it shouldn't have been a problem to spell the word "Grace".

Yes, that's the word I misspelled in front of a crowd—–quite embarrassing.πŸ˜…

Although I've finally figured out the reason for my little problem, it still makes me feel off, and as a result, I'm in doubt of my abilities.

This is what overconfidence does to a man.

I was full of myself.

An Odogwu!πŸ˜…

In other words, I told myself, I know this, so it won't be a big deal.

According to the American Psychological Association, overconfidence is a cognitive bias characterized by an overestimation of one’s actual ability to perform a task successfully, a belief that one’s performance is better than that of others, or excessive certainty in the accuracy of one’s beliefs.

Phew! What a huge definition!

A bias. In essence, you're trying to deceive your subconscious to be who you're not. 

An overestimation of one's actual ability to perform a task successfully. That means that an excess of something could be really dangerous.

Try eating more after you're filled, and note how useless it was to carry out that act. Economists call it diminishing marginal utility.

And that's my issue with villains in some cartoons. Their belief that they are better than others makes them failures in the end.

I believed so much in myself that I fumbled.

One would say it's Pride.

So the next time you don't want to practice, engage in rehearsals, or relearn something because you feel it's in you, think of me and how embarrassing it must've been for a five-letter word to mess me up.πŸ˜…

Till next time,



  1. This reminds me of my first year in uni , overconfidence and excessive pride ruined my grade .A nice piece πŸ‘


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